Rock Clock - probudite se sa Dvejnom Džonsonom

Predstavljamo vam sjajnu aplikaciju koja će vam pomoći da ustanete na vreme svakog dana...

The Rock Clock je besplatna aplikacija koju mogu skinuti svi Android korisnici. Ova aplikacija dizajnirana je da vam pomogne sa jutarnjim ustajanjem, ali pored toga sadrži još par zanimljivih dodataka i funkcija.

Aplikacija je dizajnirana sa ciljem da pomogne onima koji žele da vode zdrav život i da ga promene iz korena. Osnovna funckija ove aplikacije jeste budilnik, ali pored njega, ova aplikacija vas podseća kada treba da jedete, da pijete i da trenirate.

Najbolji detalj ove aplikacije jeste glas Dvejna Džonsona Roka koji vas motiviše i tera da bude što bolji i uspešniji svakog dana.

Ako želite da krenete sa zdravijim životom i redovnim treninzima, skinite ovu aplikaciju i možda vam ona pomogne. Zapamtite, besplatna je.


From this historic day forward - I'm waking your ass up;). The #RockClock has arrived. This app is FREE. Download NOW in my bio. We've spent over a year engineering this app for you. Our goal was create a free, direct, uncomplicated, cool, motivating app to help us all get after our goals every morning. I also wanted to totally disrupt the traditional "morning alarm" system we all use on our phones. We created fun, cheesy bad assery alarm tones (yes, that's me really singing and playing guitar to wake your ass up;) and one of my favorite features of the #RockClock is the dreaded snooze button does not exist. Absolutely BEST part of #RockClock is that I'll be able to track all your goals and you'll track mine. We'll chase our greatness and kick some ass. Or get our asses kicked;) Either way, we'll do it together. Enjoy the free app, share your goals with me and world by using the hashtag #ProjectRock. I'll be shouting you guys out personally via video messages on this app, so let's chase our greatness, get after it and as always have some fun along the way. Aaaaand one more thing.. there's also a function where you sync your phone with mine and you wake up when I wake up. But your candy ass probably ain't ready for that kinda magical action 😉🦄. #RockClock #ProjectRock #ByeByeSnoozeButton #HelloGreatness

A video posted by therock (@therock) onMay 2, 2016 at 6:37am PDT


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